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Topic #5 CHOCKING: What should I do if a baby is choking?
    - by NHS_UK 25/08/2016 @ 19h36

img/choke.gif***Click on the image to enlarge it***

This information applies to babies aged under one year old. For information relating to adults and older children, see What should I do if someone is choking?

In babies, choking often happens if they put small objects in their mouths, which then get stuck. It can also be caused by food getting stuck in the airway.  

Back blows for babies under one year old

If the baby is able to cough, encourage them to carry on doing this to help clear the object. If the baby is distressed and unable to cry, cough or breathe, back blows (firm slaps on the back with the heel of the hand) may help.

Chest thrusts for babies under one year old

In babies under one year old, chest thrusts are used in an emergency to clear a blockage from their airway. Important: do not use abdominal thrusts with babies under one year old.

If the baby’s airway is still blocked after three cycles of back slaps and chest thrusts, you should:

Complications after a baby chokes

Even if the object has come out, get medical help. Some of the material that caused the blockage can sometimes remain and cause complications later on, or the baby may have been hurt during attempts to resuscitate them. You should take the baby to A&E, an NHS walk-in centre or your GP if it’s during GP hours.

Further information:

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