Health - CANCERS - Lung cancer
Lung cancer is one of the most common and serious types of cancer. Around 44,500 people are diagnosed with the condition every year in the UK.
There are usually no signs or symptoms in the early stages of lung cancer, but many people with the condition eventually develop symptoms including:
- a persistent cough
- coughing up blood
- persistent breathlessness
- unexplained tiredness and weight loss
- an ache or pain when breathing or coughing
You should see your GP if you have these symptoms.
Symptoms of lung cancer
Symptoms of lung cancer develop as the condition progresses and there are usually no signs or symptoms in the early stages.
The main symptoms of lung cancer are listed below. If you have any of these, you should see your GP:
- a cough that doesn’t go away after two or three weeks
- a long-standing cough that gets worse
- persistent chest infections
- coughing up blood
- an ache or pain when breathing or coughing
- persistent breathlessness
- persistent tiredness or lack of energy
- loss of appetite or unexplained weight loss
Less common symptoms of lung cancer include:
- changes in the appearance of your fingers, such as becoming more curved or their ends becoming larger (this is known as finger clubbing)
- a high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or above
- difficulty swallowing or pain when swallowing
- wheezing
- a hoarse voice
- swelling of your face or neck
- persistent chest or shoulder pain
Types of lung cancer
Cancer that begins in the lungs is called primary lung cancer. Cancer that spreads from the lungs to another place in the body is known as secondary lung cancer. This page is about primary lung cancer.
There are two main types of primary lung cancer. These are classified by the type of cells in which the cancer starts. They are:
- non-small-cell lung cancer – the most common type, accounting for more than 80% of cases; can be either squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma or large-cell carcinoma
- small-cell lung cancer – a less common type that usually spreads faster than non-small-cell lung cancer
The type of lung cancer you have determines which treatments are recommended.
Diagnosing lung cancer
See your GP if you have symptoms of lung cancer, such as breathlessness or a persistent cough.
Your GP will ask about your general health and what symptoms you've been experiencing. They may examine you and ask you to breathe into a device called a spirometer, which measures how much air you breathe in and out.
You may be asked to have a blood test to rule out some of the possible causes of your symptoms, such as a chest infection.
In 2015, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)published guidelines to help GPs recognise the signs and symptoms of lung cancer and refer people for the right tests faster. To find out if you should be referred for further tests for suspected lung cancer, read the NICE 2015 guidelines on Suspected Cancer: Recognition and Referral.
Chest X-ray
A chest X-ray is usually the first test used to diagnose lung cancer. Most lung tumours show up on X-rays as a white-grey mass.
However, chest X-rays can't give a definitive diagnosis because they often can't distinguish between cancer and other conditions, such as a lung abscess (a collection of pus that forms in the lungs).
If your chest X-ray suggests you may have lung cancer, you should be referred to a specialist (if you haven't already) in chest conditions such as lung cancer. A specialist can carry out more tests to investigate whether you have lung cancer and, if you do, what type it is and how much it's spread.
CT scan
A computerised tomography (CT) scan is usually carried out after a chest X-ray. A CT scan uses X-rays and a computer to create detailed images of the inside of your body.
Before having a CT scan, you'll be given an injection of a contrast medium. This is a liquid containing a dye that makes the lungs show up more clearly on the scan. The scan is painless and takes 10-30 minutes to complete.
PET-CT scan
A PET-CT scan (which stands for positron emission tomography-computerised tomography) may be carried out if the results of the CT scan show you have cancer at an early stage.
The PET-CT scan can show where there are active cancer cells. This can help with diagnosis and treatment.
Before having a PET-CT scan, you'll be injected with a slightly radioactive material. You'll be asked to lie down on a table, which slides into the PET scanner. The scan is painless and takes around 30-60 minutes.
Bronchoscopy and biopsy
If the CT scan shows there might be cancer in the central part of your chest, you'll have a bronchoscopy. A bronchoscopy is a procedure that allows a doctor or nurse to remove a small sample of cells from inside your lungs.
During a bronchoscopy, a thin tube called a bronchoscope is used to examine your lungs and take a sample of cells (biopsy). The bronchoscope is passed through your mouth or nose, down your throat and into the airways of your lungs.
The procedure may be uncomfortable, but you'll be given a mild sedative beforehand to help you relax and a local anaesthetic to make your throat numb. The procedure is very quick and only takes a few minutes.
Other types of biopsy
If you're not able to have one of the biopsies described above, or you've had one and the results weren't clear, you may be offered a different type of biopsy. This may be a type of surgical biopsy such as a thoracoscopy or a mediastinoscopy, or a biopsy carried out using a needle inserted through your skin.
These types of biopsy are described below.
Percutaneous needle biopsy
A percutaneous needle biopsy involves removing a sample from a suspected tumour to test it at a laboratory for cancerous cells.
The doctor carrying out the biopsy will use a CT scanner to guide a needle to the site of a suspected tumour through the skin. A local anaesthetic is used to numb the surrounding skin, and the needle is passed through your skin and into your lungs. The needle will then be used to remove a sample of tissue for testing.
A thoracoscopy is a procedure that allows the doctor to examine a particular area of your chest and take tissue and fluid samples.
You're likely to need a general anaesthetic before having a thoracoscopy. Two or three small cuts will be made in your chest to pass a tube (similar to a bronchoscope) into your chest. The doctor will use the tube to look inside your chest and take samples. The samples will then be sent away for tests.
After a thoracoscopy, you may need to stay in hospital overnight while any further fluid in your lungs is drained out.
A mediastinoscopy allows the doctor to examine the area between your lungs at the centre of your chest (mediastinum).
For this test, you'll need to have a general anaesthetic and stay in hospital for a couple of days. The doctor will make a small cut at the bottom of your neck so they can pass a thin tube into your chest.
The tube has a camera at the end, which enables the doctor to see inside your chest. They'll also be able to take samples of your cells and lymph nodes at the same time. The lymph nodes are tested because they're usually the first place that lung cancer spreads to.
Once the above tests have been completed, it should be possible to work out what stage your cancer is, what this means for your treatment and whether it's possible to completely cure the cancer.
Non-small-cell lung cancer
Non-small-cell lung cancer (the most common type) usually spreads more slowly than small-cell lung cancer and responds differently to treatment.
The stages of non-small-cell lung cancer are outlined below.
Stage 1
The cancer is contained within the lung and hasn't spread to nearby lymph nodes. Stage 1 can also be divided into two sub-stages:
- stage 1A – the tumour is less than 3cm in size (1.2 inches)
- stage 1B – the tumour is 3-5cm (1.2-2 inches)
Stage 2
Stage 2 is divided into two sub-stages: 2A and 2B.
In stage 2A lung cancer, either:
- the tumour is 5-7cm
- the tumour is less than 5cm and cancerous cells have spread to nearby lymph nodes
In stage 2B lung cancer, either:
- the tumour is larger than 7cm
- the tumour is 5-7cm and cancerous cells have spread to nearby lymph nodes
- the cancer hasn't spread to lymph nodes, but has spread to surrounding muscles or tissue
- the cancer has spread to one of the main airways (bronchus)
- the cancer has caused the lung to collapse
- there are multiple small tumours in the lung
Stage 3
Stage 3 is divided into two sub-stages: 3A and 3B.
In stage 3A lung cancer, the cancer has either spread to the lymph nodes in the middle of the chest or into the surrounding tissue. This can be:
- the covering of the lung (the pleura)
- the chest wall
- the middle of the chest
- other lymph nodes near the affected lung
In stage 3B lung cancer, the cancer has spread to either of the following:
- lymph nodes on either side of the chest, above the collarbones
- another important part of the body, such as the gullet (oesophagus), windpipe (trachea), heart or into a main blood vessel
Stage 4
In stage 4 lung cancer, the cancer has either spread to both lungs or to another part of the body (such as the bones, liver or brain), or the cancer has caused fluid-containing cancer cells to build up around your heart or lungs.
Small-cell lung cancer
Small-cell lung cancer is less common than non-small-cell lung cancer. The cancerous cells responsible for the condition are smaller in size when examined under a microscope than the cells that cause non-small-cell lung cancer.
Small-cell lung cancer only has two possible stages:
- limited disease – the cancer has not spread beyond the lung
- extensive disease – the cancer has spread beyond the lung
Want to know more?
Lung cancer screening
There's currently no national screening programme for lung cancer in the UK.
This is because current tests for lung cancer aren't simple, quick or sensitive enough to outweigh the risks associated with screening (such as radiation exposure during X-rays).
Who's affected
Lung cancer mainly affects older people. It's rare in people younger than 40, and the rates of lung cancer rise sharply with age. Lung cancer is most commonly diagnosed in people aged 70-74.
Although people who have never smoked can develop lung cancer, smoking is the main cause (accounting for over 85% of cases). This is because smoking involves regularly inhaling a number of different toxic substances.
Read more about:
Treating lung cancer
Treatment depends on the type of cancer, how far it's spread and how good your general health is.
If the condition is diagnosed early and the cancerous cells are confined to a small area, surgery to remove the affected area of lung is usually recommended.
If surgery is unsuitable due to your general health, radiotherapy to destroy the cancerous cells may be recommended instead.
If the cancer has spread too far for surgery or radiotherapy to be effective, chemotherapy is usually used.
Read more about treating lung cancer.
Lung cancer doesn't usually cause noticeable symptoms until it's spread through the lungs or into other parts of the body. This means the outlook for the condition isn't as good as many other types of cancer.
Overall, about 1 in 3 people with the condition live for at least a year after they're diagnosed and about 1 in 20 people live at least 10 years.
However, survival rates can vary widely, depending on how far the cancer has spread at the time of diagnosis. Early diagnosis can make a big difference.
Living with lung cancer
Lung cancer can affect your daily life in different ways, depending on what stage it's at and the treatment you're having.
Although not all these steps work for everybody, there are several ways you can find support to help you cope:
- talk to your friends and family
- talk to other people in the same situation
- know about your condition
- don't try to do too much
- make time for yourself
Lung cancer specialist nurses
Your specialist team should have at least one lung cancer nurse specialist (CNS) working with them. Ask your specialist to make sure you see a specialist nurse, who can support you and provide information about other sources of advice and support.
Want to know more?
- The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation: living with lung cancer
- Cancer Research UK: living with lung cancer
- Macmillan: adjusting to life with and after cancer
Breathlessness is common in people who have lung cancer, whether it is a symptom of the condition or a side effect of treatment.
In many cases, breathlessness can be improved with some simple measures such as:
- breathing in slowly through your nose and out through your mouth (after treatment for lung cancer, you may see a physiotherapist, who can teach you some simple breathing exercises)
- making daily activities easier – for example, using a trolley when you go shopping or keeping things you often need downstairs so you don't need to regularly walk up and down the stairs
- using a fan to direct cool air towards your face
- eating smaller and more frequent meals, and taking smaller mouthfuls
If measures like these aren't enough to control your breathlessness, you may need further treatment. There are a number of medications that can help improve breathlessness.Home oxygen treatment may be an option in more severe cases.
If your breathlessness is caused by another condition, such as a chest infection or a fluid build-up around the lungs (a pleural effusion), treating this underlying cause may help your breathing.
How well your local NHS performs
Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) are NHS organisations that organise the delivery of NHS services in England. They play a major role in achieving good health outcomes for the local population they serve.
You can now check how your local CCG compares against others for lung cancer survival (PDF, 900kb).